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Leflunomide during pregnancy; a case report and review of the literature
  • +1
  • Paul de Klaver,
  • Carolien Geesink,
  • Jasper Broen,
  • Luc Derijks
Paul de Klaver
Máxima Medical Center

Corresponding Author:p.deklaver@mmc.nl

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Carolien Geesink
Máxima Medical Center
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Jasper Broen
Máxima Medical Center
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Luc Derijks
Maxima Medical Center
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Leflunomide is a prodrug for teruflunomide and used for rheumatic diseases. Teriflunomide is considered to be teratogenic and should be avoided in pregnancy. We describe a case of teriflunomide exposure up to the third trimester of pregnancy. A healthy baby was delivered, despite substantial drug exposure. Multiple washout procedures were required to reduce teriflunomide concentrations below the safe target concentration 0.02 mg/L.