‘You’re on mute!’ Does paediatric CF home spirometry require
physiologist supervision?
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the move towards
home spirometry monitoring, including in children. Our aim was to
determine whether the remote supervision of spirometry by a physiologist
improves the technical quality and failure rate of the manoeuvres.
Method: Children with cystic fibrosis who had been provided with NuvoAir
home spirometers were randomly allocated to either supervised or
unsupervised home spirometry following a detailed training session. Home
spirometry was performed every 2 weeks for 12 weeks. Tests were assigned
a quality factor (QF) using our laboratory grading system as per ATS/ERS
standards, with tests marked from A to D, or Fail. In our laboratory we
aim for QF A in all spirometry tests, but report results of QF B or C
with a cautionary note. QF A was therefore the primary outcome, and QF
A-C the secondary outcome. Results: 61 patients were enrolled; 166
measurements were obtained in the supervised group, and 153 in the
unsupervised group. Significantly more measurements achieved QF A in the
supervised compared to unsupervised group (89% vs 74%; p=
<0.001) whilst proportions reaching grade A-C were similar
(99% vs 95%; p=0.1). All significant declines in spirometry results
had a clinical rather than technical reason. Family/patient feedback for
both arms was very positive. Conclusion: These results suggest that home
spirometry in children should ideally be remotely supervised by a
physiologist, but acceptable results can be obtained if resources do not
allow this, provided that training is delivered and results monitored
according to our protocol.