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Mona Mohsen

and 27 more

SARS-CoV-2 caused one of the most devastating pandemics in the recent history of mankind. Due to various countermeasures, including lock-downs, wearing masks and increased hygiene, the virus has been controlled in some parts of the world. More recently, the availability of vaccines, based on RNA or Adenoviruses, have greatly added to our ability to keep the virus at bay, again in some parts of the world only. While available vaccines are effective, it would be desirable to also have more classical vaccines at hand for the future. Key feature of vaccines for long-term control of SARS-CoV-2 would be inexpensive production at large scale, ability to make multiple booster injections and long-term stability at +4 oC. Here we describe such a vaccine candidate, consisting of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding motif grafted genetically onto the surface of the immunologically optimized cucumber mosaic virus, called CuMV TT-RBM. Using bacterial fermenter production and continuous flow centrifugation, the productivity of the production process is estimated to be >2.5 million doses per 1000 liter fermenter run and the vaccine candidate is stable for at least 14 months at 4°C. We further demonstrate that the candidate vaccine is highly immunogenic in mice and rabbits and induces more high avidity antibodies compared to convalescent human sera and antibodies induced are more cross-reactive to mutant RBDs for variants of concern (VoC). Furthermore, antibody responses are neutralizing and long-lived. This, the here presented VLP-based vaccine may be a good candidate for use as conventional vaccine in the long-term.