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Pathological Laughing in a Patient with a Pontine Tumor
  • +3
  • Gopi Nepal,
  • Pritam Gurung,
  • Anik Jha,
  • Durga Khadka,
  • Resha Shrestha,
  • Basant Pant
Gopi Nepal
Annapurna Neurological Institute and allied Sciences

Corresponding Author:gopinepal1000@gmail.com

Author Profile
Pritam Gurung
Annapurna Neurological Institute and Allied Sciences
Author Profile
Anik Jha
Annapurna Neurological Institute and Allied Sciences
Author Profile
Durga Khadka
Annapurna Neurological Institute and Allied Sciences
Author Profile
Resha Shrestha
Annapurna Neurological Institute and Allied Sciences
Author Profile
Basant Pant
Annapurna Neurological Institute and allied Sciences
Author Profile


An 18-year-old man presented with the complaints of occasional headache and limb weakness associated with slurring of speech and purposeless laughing. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a diffuse altered signal intensity area involving the pons with asymmetrical expansion. The patient underwent surgical resection. Histology revealed WHO grade IV glioblastoma.
10 Aug 2022Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
11 Aug 2022Submission Checks Completed
11 Aug 2022Assigned to Editor
24 Aug 2022Reviewer(s) Assigned
26 Sep 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
22 Mar 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Minor