Portal cavernoma secondary to multiple liver hydatidosis: A rare cause
of cataclysme haemorrhage in a young adult
- Alia Zouaghi,
- Khalaf Ben Abdallah
, - Nawel Bellil,
- Dhafer Hadded,
- Haithem Zaafouri,
- Mona Cherif,
- Anis Ben Maamer
Khalaf Ben Abdallah

Habib Thameur Hospital
Corresponding Author:khalaf.benabdallah14@gmail.com
Author ProfileAbstract
We report a rare case of a 27-year-old male who died of variceal
bleeding secondary due to portal cavernoma secondary to multiple liver
hydatidosis. Hepatic hydatid cyst should be considered as an indirect
cause of gastrointestinal bleeding in endemic countries.