Second stage African Trypanosomiasis presented as Non Convulsive Status
- Eetadal Ibrahim,
- Mohammed Gasm Elseed M Elmahal,
- Khabab Mohamed Ahmed
, - Mohammed Omer

Eetadal Ibrahim
Al-Neelain University Faculty of Medicine
Author ProfileMohammed Gasm Elseed M Elmahal
The National center for Neurological Sciences
Author ProfileKhabab Mohamed Ahmed

University of Khartoum Faculty of Medicine
Author ProfileMohammed Omer

University of Gadarif Faculty of Medicine and Health Science
Author ProfileAbstract
Human African Trypanosomiasis also known as sleeping sickness is a
common disease in South Sudan. There are two recognized sstage, The
early hemolymphatic stage and The late encephalitic stage when the CNS
is involved specially with Gambians infection, broad neurologic spectrum
has been reported such as psychiatric, motor, sensory.