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Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in Obese: How Physical Examination Unlocked the Mystery
  • +1
  • Nalin John,
  • Saurabh Bansal,
  • Tulika Chatterjee,
  • Namrata Singhania
Nalin John
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria

Corresponding Author:nsjohn3@uic.edu

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Saurabh Bansal
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
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Tulika Chatterjee
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
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Namrata Singhania
Mount Carmel East
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Although difficult to perform a good physical examination in morbidly obese patient, it can still be very valuable like in our patient in whom biopsy of deep lymph nodes seen was benign but superficial lymph node excisional biopsy found due to good physical exam diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.