The nuclear genomes of most animal species include segments of the
mitogenome, but the count of these NUMTs varies greatly. This study
examines the incidence of NUMTs derived from a 658 bp region of the
cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene as a proxy for other coding regions of
the mitochondrial genome. Analysis focuses on the most diverse group of
terrestrial organisms, insects, because COI-based identification systems
play a key role in clarifying their diversity, an essential antecedent
to genome sequencing. Nearly 10,000 COI NUMTs ≥ 100 bp were detected in
the genomes of 1,002 insect species with a range from 0–443. NUMT
counts were similar among congeners, but differences among genera in a
family were often large with genome size explaining 56% of the
mitogenome-wide variation in counts. While many of these NUMTs possessed
an indel or premature stop codon allowing their exclusion, the others
could complicate species diagnosis as they averaged 10.1% divergence
from their mitochondrial homologue. The count of NUMTs varies widely
among insect lineages, peaking in groups that employ direct development
or incomplete metamorphosis. They can raise the apparent species count
by up to 22% when the 658 bp barcode region is examined while shorter
targets (300 bp, 150 bp) elevate exposure (58–111%) to “ghost”
species. As a result, NUMTs represent a particular complication for
protocols (e.g., eDNA, metabarcoding) which employ short amplicons for
biodiversity assessments.