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p -th mean pseudo almost automorphic solutions of class r under the light of measure theory
  • Mbaiandji Djendode,
Mbaiandji Djendode
Universite de N'Djamena

Corresponding Author:mbainadjidjendode@gmail.com

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Universite Joseph Ki-Zerbo
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The objective in this work is to present a new concept of p-th mean pseudo almost automorphic by use of the measure theory. We use the ( µ,ν)-ergodic process to define the spaces of ( µ,ν)-pseudo almost automorphic process of class r in the p-th sense. To do this, firstly we show some interesting results regarding the completeness and composition theorems. Secondly we study the existence, uniqueness of the p-th mean ( µ,ν)-pseudo almost automorphic solution of class r for the stochastic evolution equation. AMS Subject Classification : 60H15 ; 60G20 ; 34K30 ; 34K50 ; 43A60.