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Narcolepsy with Cataplexy: What we know about it in 2021 
  • Dr. Carolina Diamandis,
  • David Seideman,
  • Jacob S Adams
Dr. Carolina Diamandis
LCG Greece

Corresponding Author:diamandis@lazar-consortium.com

Author Profile
David Seideman
LCG Greece
Jacob S Adams
Clinical Neurologist


Narcolepsy is a model disease for many sleep-wake disorders, a dyssomnia. Diagnostically important is the so-called "narcoleptic tetrad": Daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations. Common differential diagnoses are epilepsy, psychoses, pharmacological influences and sleep disorders. The correct diagnosis is often made too late. Often, negative psychosocial consequences of narcolepsy have already occurred for the patients in the meantime, which can be prevented by an early diagnosis. Therefore, the objective of this White Paper is to raise more awareness in the medical community.