Optimizing rates and access to Caesarean sections in India: A
cost-effectiveness analysis
Objective: Assessment of the cost-effectiveness of strategies to scale
up cesarean sections (CS) Design: Cost-effectiveness analysis to
evaluate three different strategies to scale up CS Setting: Rural and
urban areas of India with varying rates of CS and access to
comprehensive emergency obstetric care (CEmOC) Population: Women of
reproductive age in India Methods: Three strategies with different
access to CEmOC and CS rates were evaluated: (A) India’s national
average (50.2% access, 17.2% CS rate), (B) rural areas (47.2% access,
12.8% CS rate) and (C) urban areas (55.7% access, 28.2% CS rate). We
performed a first-order Monte Carlo simulation using a 1-year cycle time
and 35-year time horizon. All inputs were derived from literature. A
societal perspective was utilized with a willingness-to-pay threshold of
$1,940. Main outcome measures: Costs and quality-adjusted life years
were used to calculate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER).
Maternal and neonatal outcomes were calculated. Results: Strategy C with
the highest access to CEmOC despite the highest CS rate was
cost-effective, with an ICER of 354.90. Two-way sensitivity analysis
demonstrated this was driven by increased access to CEmOC. The highest
CS rate strategy had the highest number of previa, accreta and ICU
admissions. The strategy with the lowest access to CEmOC had the highest
number of fistulae, uterine rupture, and stillbirths. Conclusions:
Morbidity and mortality result from lack of access to CEmOC and overuse
of CS. While interventions are needed to address both, increasing access
to surgical obstetric care drives cost-effectiveness and is paramount to
optimize outcomes.