Enterocutaneous fistula due to a strangulated Ritcher’s femoral hernia:
a case report
- Emmanuel Murwanashyaka,
- Robinson Ssebuufu,
- Patrick Kyamanywa
Emmanuel Murwanashyaka
University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences
Corresponding Author:murwanashyaka07@gmail.com
Author ProfileRobinson Ssebuufu
Kampala International University - Western Campus
Author ProfilePatrick Kyamanywa
Kampala International University - Western Campus
Author ProfileAbstract
Richter's hernia has a misleading presentation with absence of typical
intestinal obstructive symptoms leading to delay in making a diagnosis,
tendency to strangulation and eventual spontaneous fistula formation.
This article explores a case of enterocutaneous fistula that was managed
non-operatively until spontaneous closure.