Anthropogenic disturbance increases disease emergence risk through
predictable changes in parasite community structure
- Guha Dharmarajan
, - Pooja Gupta,
- C. Vishnudas,
- VV Robin
Guha Dharmarajan

The University of Georgia
Author ProfileC. Vishnudas
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Author ProfileVV Robin
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Author ProfileAbstract
Niche theory predicts specialists will be more sensitive to
environmental perturbation compared to generalists, a hypothesis
receiving broad support in free-living species. Based on their niche
breadth, parasites can also be classified as specialists and
generalists, with specialists infecting only a few and generalists a
diverse array of host species. Here, using avian haemosporidian
parasites infecting wild bird populations inhabiting the Western Ghats,
India as a model system, we elucidate how climate, habitat and human
disturbance affects parasite prevalence both directly and indirectly via
their effects on host diversity. Our data demonstrates that
anthropogenic disturbance acts to reduce the prevalence of specialist
parasite lineages, while increasing that of generalist lineages. Thus,
as in free-living species, disturbance favors parasite communities
dominated by generalist vs. specialist species. Because generalist
parasites are more likely to cause emerging infectious diseases, such
biotic homogenization of parasite communities could increase disease
emergence risk in the Anthropocene06 Apr 2021Submitted to Ecology Letters 07 Apr 2021Submission Checks Completed
07 Apr 2021Assigned to Editor
08 Apr 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
10 Apr 2021Editorial Decision: Revise Major
28 Apr 20211st Revision Received
29 Apr 2021Submission Checks Completed
29 Apr 2021Assigned to Editor
03 May 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
03 May 2021Editorial Decision: Accept