Molecular phylogenetic and phylogeography of Soriculus nigrescens in
southwest China
- Haijun Jiang
, - Changkun Fu,
- Keyi Tang,
- Fengjun Li,
- Fei Xie,
- Boxin Qin,
- Dan Chen,
- Shunde Chen,
- Shaoying Liu
Haijun Jiang

Sichuan Normal University
Author ProfileAbstract
The Himalayan Shrew belongs to the genus Soriculus, which is a monotypic
genus. We investigated the phylogeographic patterns, speciation,
divergence time, and demographic history of Soriculus nigrescens in
southwestern China. A total of 128 samples from 29 regions were analyzed
for both mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Phylogenetic analyses of the
concatenated mtDNA and nuDNA data revealed three highly divergent
lineages within the S. nigrescens. One group represented subspecies S.
n. minors, another group represented subspecies S. n. nigrescens, which
is made up of two Clades A and B. The species delimitation analyses,
based on two methods, supported the species status of the two Clades of
S. n. nigrescens. In addtion, it was found that individuals at different
altitudes in Motuo were divided into two Clades. Bayesian skyline
plotting analyses and ecological niche modeling also supported
demographic and range expansions during the LGM for S. n. nigrescens. We
propose that S. n. nigrescens appears to be composed of two putative
species, and S. n. minor should be elevated to species status. Our study
also suggested that climate change since the Miocene periods and the
uplift of the QTP may have resulted in the diversification and
speciation of S. nigrescens.