High density mapping of atrial insertion of retrograde decremental
accessory pathway 3D-illustration of accessory atrio-ventricular
conduction network
- Philippe Maury,
- Quentin Voglimacci,
- Franck Mandel,
- Pauline Parlier,
- Maud Tabuteau,
- Maxime Beneyto,
- Anne Rollin
Philippe Maury
University Hospital Rangueil
Corresponding Author:mauryjphil@hotmail.com
Author ProfileAbstract
We report the case of a reciprocating tachycardia using a purely
retrograde decremental slow-conducting accessory pathway. High density
3D mapping of the atrial insertion reveals a large area of specific
potentials at the level of the tricuspid annulus, which can be regarded
as an accessory conduction network