Intake / Pangeo Catalog: Making It Easier To Consume Earth’s Climate and
Weather Data
Computer simulations of the Earth’s climate and weather generate huge
amounts of data. These data are often persisted on HPC systems or in the
cloud across multiple data assets of a variety of formats (netCDF, zarr,
etc…). Finding, investigating, loading these data assets into
compute-ready data containers costs time and effort. The data user needs
to know what data sets are available, the attributes describing each
data set, before loading a specific data set and analyzing it. In this
notebook, we demonstrate the integration of data discovery tools such as
intake and intake-esm (an intake plugin) with data stored in cloud
optimized formats (zarr). We highlight (1) how these tools provide
transparent access to local and remote catalogs and data, (2) the API
for exploring arbitrary metadata associated with data, loading data sets
into data array containers. We also showcase the Pangeo catalog, an open
source project to enumerate and organize cloud optimized climate data
stored across a variety of providers, and a place where several
intake-esm collections are now publicly available. We use one of these
public collections as an example to show how an end user would explore
and interact with the data, and conclude with a short overview of the
catalog’s online presence.