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Prediction of Molecular Distribution and Temperature Profile of FCC Process through Molecular-Level Kinetic Modeling
  • +1
  • Zhengyu Chen,
  • Gang Wang,
  • Suoqi Zhao,
  • Linzhou Zhang
Zhengyu Chen
China University of Petroleum Beijing

Corresponding Author:zychen_cup@163.com

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Gang Wang
China University of Petroleum Beijing
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Suoqi Zhao
China University of Petroleum
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Linzhou Zhang
China University of Petroleum Beijing
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This work aims to develop a molecular-level process model framework for simulating the FCC process. The process model consists of the riser, regenerator, and separation models. A complex molecular-level kinetic model, containing 3,652 molecules and 8,202 reactions, was developed for the heavy oil FCC process. The kinetic model was coupled with the riser model, and the model parameter was tuned by a set of systematic experimental data from a pilot-scale plant. After that, a two-zone and two-phase regenerator model was built. The regenerator was combined with the riser model, and the coupled modeling and process simulation for the riser-type FCC unit was developed. The results show that the calculated value of fraction yields and key bulk properties agrees well with the experimental data. Moreover, the molecular distribution of the product and temperature profile was also predicted.
Dec 2022Published in Chemical Engineering Science volume 264 on pages 118189. 10.1016/j.ces.2022.118189