UK Head and neck cancer surgical capacity during the second wave of the
COVID-19 pandemic -- have we learned the lessons? COVIDSurg
Objectives - The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in
surgical capacity for head and neck cancer in the UK between the first
wave (March-June 2020) and the current wave (Jan-Feb 2021) of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Design – REDcap online based survey of hospital
capacity. Setting - UK secondary and tertiary hospitals providing head
and neck cancer surgery. Participants – One representative per hospital
was asked to report the capacity for head and neck cancer surgery in
that institution. Main outcome measures – The principal measures of
interests were new patient referrals, capacity in outpatients, theatres
and critical care; therapeutic compromises constituting delay to
surgery, de-escalated surgery and therapeutic migration to non-surgical
primary modality. Results – Data was returned from approximately 95%
of UK hospitals with a head and neck cancer surgery specialist service.
50% of UK head and neck cancer patients requiring surgery have
significantly compromised treatments during the second wave: 28%
delayed, 10% have received radiotherapy based treatment instead of
surgery and 12% have received de-escalated surgery. Surgical capacity
has been more severely constrained in the second wave (58% of
pre-pandemic level) compared with the first wave (62%) despite the time
to prepare. Conclusions - Some hospitals are overwhelmed by COVID-19 and
unable to offer essential cancer surgery, but all have neighbouring
hospitals in their region retaining good (or even normal) capacity. It
is noteworthy that very few patients have been appropriately re-directed
away from the hospitals most constrained by their burden of COVID-19.
The paucity of an effective central or regional strategic response to
this evident mismatch between demand and surgical capacity is to the
detriment of our head and neck cancer patients.