A Chronic Eyelid Lesion in a child: Multi-Disciplinary Approach to
Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of a Highly Atypical Histiocytic
- Archana Ramgopal,
- Sabrina Mukhtar,
- Julia Segal,
- Jenny Yu,
- Jennifer Picarsic,
- Jean Tersak,
- Steven Allen
Archana Ramgopal
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Corresponding Author:archana.ramgopal@gmail.com
Author ProfileJennifer Picarsic
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Author ProfileAbstract
Malignant histiocytic neoplasm with histiocytic sarcoma phenotype is a
rare malignant neoplasm, distinguished by malignant cells with
phenotypical characteristics of mature tissue histiocytes. Histiocytic
sarcoma typically presents as a primary malignancy, although it can also
present as a secondary malignancy, and is rarely seen in the pediatric
population. Due to the rarity of this condition, diagnosis of
histiocytic sarcoma is difficult and considered a diagnosis of
exclusion. We describe a unique case of a chronic upper eyelid lesion
with biopsy findings of a highly atypical histiocytic neoplasm
concerning for histiocytic sarcoma in a child treated with excision and
observation alone.