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Unilateral Visual loss Due to Methanol Intoxication: A Case Report
  • +2
  • Hoorvash Faraji Dana,
  • Nasim Zamani,
  • Lida Shojaei Arani ,
  • Ali Faraji,
  • Kiumars Bahmani
Hoorvash Faraji Dana
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences School of Medicine

Corresponding Author:f.drhoorvash@yahoo.com

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Nasim Zamani
Loghman Hakim Hospital
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Lida Shojaei Arani
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences School of Medicine
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Ali Faraji
Alborz University of Medical Sciences
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Kiumars Bahmani
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
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A 45-year-old man with bilateral blurred vision referred to toxicology department, after treatment he suffered from vision loss in left eye while his right eye was intact. Visual impairment due to methanol poisoning usually occurs bilaterally, but in our case was interestingly unilateral.