Ecological processes often exhibit time lags. For plant invasions, lags
of decades to centuries between species’ introduction and establishment
in the wild (naturalisation) are common, leading to the idea of an
invasion debt: accelerating rates of introduction result in an expanding
pool of introduced species that will naturalise in the future. Here, I
show how a concept from survival analysis, the hazard function, provides
an intuitive way to understand and forecast time lags. For plant
naturalisation, theoretical arguments predict that lags between
introduction and naturalisation will have a unimodal distribution, and
that increasing horticultural activity will cause the mean and variance
of lag times to decline over time. These predictions were supported by
data on introduction and naturalisation dates for plant species
introduced to Britain. While increasing trade and horticultural activity
can generate an invasion debt by accelerating introductions, the same
processes could lower that debt by reducing lag times.