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Obligatory military service in Iran: 21st-century slavery that harms the health of soldiers and society.    
  • Mohammad Reza Shadmand Foumani Moghadam
Mohammad Reza Shadmand Foumani Moghadam

Corresponding Author:mrsh13713@gmail.com

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The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of few countries that still has an active obligatory military service for 24 months. As far as we know, this is the first study that reviewing Iran obligatory military service, its health and life hazards for soldiers and compare it with slavery. According to “National Law for Military Service in the Islamic Republic of Iran” , all male citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran are obliged to perform military service during war and peace for 24 months. for this purpose and make sure male will join the service, limitation established that deprecate nearly all the citizenship rights if the males refuse to join the army. However, the harmful effects of the current form of military service during the service that put the health of soldiers in high danger can continue after the service, is the other side of this service. in addition, it has a close pattern with slavery in the 18th century that required a significant revise based on a voluntary method that could significantly improve both the morale of soldiers and the socio-economical state of the country.
Keywords: soldiery, depression, health, human right, slave