Have we been doing it all wrong? The role of “super-especialists”
doctors in COVID-19 pandemic and Medicine 4.0 era.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many specialists doctors found themselves
in a situation that they had not faced for a long time: treating
patients out of their subarea of expertise. The possibilities of
teaching and learning through the modalities of webinars brought to
these days the urgent necessity for teamwork and interdisciplinary
approach, taking advantage of different areas of expertise to the same
patient. With the amount of papers published and the speed at which data
are accessed, and analyzed it is impossible to be aware of new findings
in all medical areas. The lesson that the COVID-19 pandemic brought to
us was the urgent need for the interdisciplinary approach to treating
better our patients, and not only each disease they present with. We
must review our traditional approach to medical students, residents,
colleagues, and patients in which we became stuck to distance and time
obstacles. We must use the technology on our behalf to offer the best
treatment and follow-up for patients. We live now in the Medicine 4.0
era. As Darwin a long time ago proved: we must evolve!