Complex effects of non-host diversity on the removal of free-living
infective stages of parasites
- Jennifer Welsh,
- Mirjana Markovic,
- David Thieltges,
- Jaap van der Meer
Jennifer Welsh
Author ProfileDavid Thieltges
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Author ProfileJaap van der Meer
Wageningen University and Research Wageningen Marine Research
Author ProfileAbstract
Ecological communities can affect transmission pathways of parasites and
pathogens, ultimately affecting disease dynamics. While the community
composition of less competent decoy hosts is known to affect diseases in
focal hosts, it remains poorly understood whether such diversity effects
also exist when non-host organisms remove free-living parasite stages,
e.g. by predation. In response surface design laboratory experiments, we
investigated non-host diversity effects on the removal of cercarial
stages of trematodes, ubiquitous parasites in aquatic ecosystems. In all
three combinations of two non-hosts at four density levels, the addition
of a second non-host did not generally result in increased parasite
removal but neutralised, amplified or reduced the parasite removal
exerted by the first non-host, depending on the density. These complex
non-host diversity effects were probably driven by intra- and
interspecific interactions and suggest the need to integrate non-host
diversity effects in understanding the links between community diversity
and disease risk.