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Successful use of recombinant activated factor VII administered via automated bolus pump following emergency laparoscopic appendectomy in a patient with mild congenital FVII deficiency: Case report
  • Robert Klaassen,
  • Heather Perkins
Robert Klaassen
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Corresponding Author:rklaassen@cheo.on.ca

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Heather Perkins
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
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Surgery in patients with factor VII (FVII) deficiency may be complicated by severe bleeding, requiring regular bolus doses of replacement therapy. Eptacog alfa (activated) is a recombinant activated FVII (rFVIIa) used for the treatment of bleeds and perioperative management in patients with approved bleeding disorders, including FVII deficiency. We report that using the B-Braun Perfusor® Space syringe pump to automatically deliver regular bolus rFVIIa doses provided effective hemostasis and no safety concerns in a patient with mild FVII deficiency undergoing emergency laparoscopic appendectomy. Additional benefits included saving nursing/hospital resources, reducing treatment burden and reassurance for the patient/family, and healthcare providers.