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Clinical presentation and CT features in pediatric patients with COVID‐19 infection
  • Huseyin Solğun,
  • Isıl Yurdaısık
Huseyin Solğun
Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi

Corresponding Author:hsynavn@gmail.com

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Isıl Yurdaısık
Istinye Universitesi
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Background: The aim of this study includes to discuss the clinical, laboratory, and chest computed tomography (CT) in pediatric patients with 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID‐19) infection. Material and Methods: The clinical, laboratory, and chest CT features of 17 pediatric inpatients with COVID‐19 infection confirmed by pharyngeal swab COVID‐19 polymerase chain reaction(PCR). All clinical and laboratory data have been recorded and analyzed during march-june 2020 . Chest CT have been performed to all Covid 19 PCR confirmed patients and radiologicall view have been noted. Results: Seventeen pediatric patients with a history of close contact with COVID‐19 diagnosed family members included to the study. Fever (10/17, 58%) and cough (13/17, 76%) were the most common symptoms. For laboratory findings, c reactive protein elevation (15/17, 88%) seem to be the most finding. A total of 4 patients presented with unilateral pulmonary lesions (4/17, 23%), 9 with bilateral pulmonary lesions (9/17, 52%) and 13 cases showed bilateral diffuse covid pattern on chest CT (13/17, 76%). Non-spesific consolidation with was observed in 8 patients (8/17, 47%), ground‐glass opacities were observed in 11 patients (11/17, 64%), nodules were observed in 7 patients (7/17, 41%), and tiny nodules were observed in 2 patients (2/17, 11%). Conclusion: In pediatric patients with positive COVID‐19 nucleic acid test from pharyngeal swab samples; the early detection of lesions by CT can be efficient; in management and early treatment for pediatric patients. However; early chest CT screening and COVİD-19 PCR testing together can be more efficent in diagnose. Keywords: Covid-19, viral pneumenia, chest computed tomography (CT), childeren.