Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy for pulmonary hypertension linked to
- Mohammad Izzat
, - Hazem Aljasem,
- Ahmad Izzat
This report supports the feasibility of surgical pulmonary
thromboendarterectomy in thalassemic patients with chronic
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, and highlights the need for a
comprehensive evaluation for both the presence and cause of pulmonary
arterial hypertension prior to determining the likelihood of surgical
cure.04 Nov 2020Submitted to Clinical Case Reports 06 Nov 2020Submission Checks Completed
06 Nov 2020Assigned to Editor
09 Dec 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
20 Dec 2020Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
09 Jan 2021Editorial Decision: Accept