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Recombinant antigens r-PROE and r-IGLL1 for serodiagnosis of feather duvet lung
  • +3
  • Adeline Rouzet,
  • Ferran Morell,
  • Gabriel REBOUX,
  • Ana Villar,
  • Laurence Millon,
  • Maria-Jesús Cruz
Adeline Rouzet
University Hospital Centre Besancon

Corresponding Author:adeline.rouzet@univ-fcomte.fr

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Ferran Morell
Hospital Vall d'Hebron
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Gabriel REBOUX
UMR/CNRS 6249 Chrono Environnement University Hospital J. Minjoz
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Ana Villar
Hospital Vall d'Hebron
Author Profile
Laurence Millon
CHU Besancon
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Maria-Jesús Cruz
Author Profile


Background: Feather duvet lung (FDL) is an underestimated form of acute and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Serological tests for FDL need to be validated. We investigated the ability of recombinant pigeon Proproteinase E (r-PROE) and Immunoglobulin-lambda-like-polypeptide-1 (r-IGLL1) proteins to support the serological diagnosis of FDL, and propose them as a serological tool for clinicians to differentiate cases from FDL and Bird fancier’s lung (BFL). Methods: Specific IgG antibodies against r-PROE and r-IGLL1, analyzed with ELISA, were measured in patients diagnosed with FDL (n=31), BFL (n=15) controls exposed (n=15) and unexposed to feathers (n=15). Results: The sensitivity and specificity of the r-PROE ELISA for the serological diagnosis of FDL cases versus exposed and unexposed controls were 74.2% and 86.7% respectively, with an index threshold of 0.5. (AUC: 0.9). In addition, this serological test was effective to support the serological diagnosis of FDL and BFL cases with significantly different thresholds. The r-IGLL1 ELISA was only effective for the serological diagnosis of BFL. Also, these two serological tests were useful for the diagnosis of both chronic and acute forms. Conclusions: The new diagnostic test for FDL using r-PROE protein should help to detect overt and hidden cases of FDL. The combination of both test will help the clinician in distinguish between the etiology of birds or feathers duvet.