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Pulmonary vein isolation with “ablation index” via single trans-septal crossing: Critical role of carina isolation.
  • +3
  • Raphael Rosso,
  • Ehud Chorin ,
  • Arie Schwartz,
  • Yuval Levi,
  • Aviram Hochstadt,
  • Sami Viskin
Raphael Rosso
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center

Corresponding Author:roswin1@gmail.com

Author Profile
Ehud Chorin
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Author Profile
Arie Schwartz
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Author Profile
Yuval Levi
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Author Profile
Aviram Hochstadt
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Author Profile
Sami Viskin
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Author Profile


Background. Pulmonary veins (PV) reconnection is the most common reason for atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence. The ablation-index is a marker of ablation lesion quality which use achieves high percentages of first pass isolation and improved results of AF ablation. Most operators use a double trans-septal approach with confirmation of PV isolation with a circular mapping catheter. In the present study we aimed to show that an ablation-index guided procedure using a single trans-septal approach and ablation catheter only would achieve adequate PV isolation while demonstrating the critical role of the carina in PV isolation. Methods. 76 consecutive patients with paroxysmal AF: 34 patients underwent WACA, 32 patients underwent WACA+ (including empiric carina isolation) and 10 patients underwent a staged procedure of WACA followed by WACA+ in case of lack of first pass isolation. All procedures were performed via single trans-septal. Results. Compared to WACA-only, WACA+ increased the odds of PV isolation from 65% to 91%, p=0.012. In WACA-only, ablation of the carina was needed to achieve PV isolation. The role of the carina was confirmed in 10 patients with sequential ablation. PV isolation was confirmed by inserting a circular mapping catheter through the single trans-septal sheath. At 18 months of follow-up [IQR 15.2-20.8 months], freedom from AF was 84% for the entire cohort. Conclusion. Our study confirms the high success rate of PV isolation using ablation index and shows that this can be achieved via single trans-septal crossing. Our study confirms the role of the carina in PV isolation.