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Concurrent application of blinatumomab and haploidentical donor leukocyte infusions for refractory primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma
  • Jasmine Smith,
  • Abhijeet Kumar,
  • Emmanuel Katsanis
Jasmine Smith
University of Arizona

Corresponding Author:jasminesmith1@peds.arizona.edu

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Abhijeet Kumar
University of Arizona
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Emmanuel Katsanis
University of Arizona
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Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) is a rare hematologic malignancy with distinct clinical and immunopathological features. We report a case of a young adult male with disease refractory to multiple lines of therapy, including CAR-T cells, who achieved his first complete remission after haploidentical BMT, following donor leukocyte infusions (DLI) given concurrently with blinatumomab. While DLI has been used after T-replete haplo-BMT with PT-CY, there are no reports on its use for PMBCL. Similarly, blinatumomab is active against B-cell lymphomas, but literature is lacking in patients with PMBCL. Our experience illustrates that blinatumomab can be used concurrently with DLI in a haploidentical setting to achieve disease response in PMBCL. Despite our encouraging experience with this case, we would not recommend this approach outside of a clinical trial as blinatumomab may exacerbate the GvHD risks of DLI especially in a haploidentical setting.
Jan 2021Published in Therapeutic Advances in Hematology volume 12 on pages 204062072199434. 10.1177/2040620721994348