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NOVEOS (Hycor) demonstrates better clinical performance than ImmunoCAP™ (Thermofisher) for food allergy diagnosis
  • +12
  • B. Trouche-Estival,
  • J. Vitte,
  • Audrey Martin-Blondel,
  • M. Michelet,
  • V. Gruzelle,
  • Alain Didier,
  • Laurent Guilleminault,
  • Claire Mailhol,
  • S. Martinez Rivera,
  • A. De Lima Correia,
  • C. Taurus,
  • A. Blancher,
  • Julien GORET,
  • Caroline Klingebiel,
B. Trouche-Estival
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
J. Vitte
Inserm UMR UA
Author Profile
Audrey Martin-Blondel
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
M. Michelet
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
V. Gruzelle
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
Alain Didier
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
Laurent Guilleminault
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
Claire Mailhol
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
S. Martinez Rivera
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
A. De Lima Correia
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
C. Taurus
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
A. Blancher
CHU de Toulouse
Author Profile
Julien GORET
CHU de Bordeaux
Author Profile
Caroline Klingebiel
Synlab Provence
Author Profile
CHU de Toulouse

Corresponding Author:apoil.p@chu-toulouse.fr

Author Profile


Background: The aim of this study was to compare the technical and clinical effectiveness of two platforms (Phadia ImmunoCAP™ and Hycor NOVEOS) for the measurement of IgE specific for 10 food allergens. Methods: 289 patients, as part of allergy diagnosis or of their follow-up were included and tested for IgE specific for six food allergen extracts (egg white, cow’s milk, peanut, hazelnut, fish, shrimp) and four molecular allergens (Gal d 1, Bos d 8, Ara h 2, Cor a 14). Specific IgE measurements were carried out using the ImmunoCAP™ and NOVEOS methods. Food allergy diagnosis was established according to international guidelines. Results: A very good correlation (rho>0.9) was present between the two platforms, while specific IgE concentrations measured with NOVEOS were consistently lower (mean -15%) than with ImmunoCAP™. NOVEOS provided higher overall odd-ratios and relative risks for allergen extracts than ImmunoCAP™, but the difference was not significant. When all ten allergens were considered, NOVEOS provided better ROC curves (p=0.03) and thus, had a better ability to establish the true value. Finally, we found that the most discordant results were observed with hazelnut and peanut extracts, and were related to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants on these two ImmunoCAP™. Conclusions: Specific IgE determination by either ImmunoCAP™ (odd-ratios of allergy = 25.1) or NOVEOS (odd-ratios of allergy = 33.0) is similarly highly informative on the risk of allergy in the selected population. The NOVEOS platform presents the advantage of being less affected by unwanted reactivity due to IgE specific for carbohydrate determinants, while requiring a ten-fold lower test sample volume.