A Clinician Survey of Use Assessment, Documentation, and Education about
Cannabis Use in Persons with Cystic Fibrosis
Introduction: To help open the clinician dialogue regarding cannabis use
in persons with CF in the U.S., we aimed to describe current practices
of use assessment and documentation processes related to cannabis.
Methods: A cross sectional, anonymous survey study was distributed via
email to CF directors and coordinators and to the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation (CFF) listservs of nurse, pharmacist, dietitian, social
worker and psychology care team members. The survey tool included
multiple choice, scaled and open ended items, which assessed
participants’ awareness of current cannabis laws in their state,
prescribing practices for medical marijuana, screening and documentation
practices, knowledge of and what indications participants believe
cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) could be beneficial. Data was analyzed
using descriptive statistics. Results: There were 282 survey
participants, with majority as providers (28%) and social workers
(29%), representing all U.S. regions. Participants varied in terms of
frequency of evaluating cannabis use, with 15.4% “always,” 48.4%
“sometimes,” and 41% “rarely” or “never” asking about it.
Regarding recreational versus medical cannabis use, 55.4% and 62.5%
reported documentation of each type in the medical record, respectively.
Participants reported appetite, pain, and nausea as the top three
advocated indications for use. About 35% and 72% of participants felt
“slightly” or “not at all” prepared to answer patient/family
questions about cannabis and CBD, respectively. Conclusions: The
approach to cannabis use assessment, documentation, and education across
CF care centers is variable. There is a need for care team and
patient/caregiver education materials about cannabis/CBD and CF.