Dynamics of a diffusive predator-prey model with prey-stage structure
and prey-taxis
- Yan Li,
- Xiuzhen Fan
, - Hui Hao
Yan Li
China University of Petroleum Huadong - Qingdao Campus
Corresponding Author:liyan@upc.edu.cn
Author ProfileXiuzhen Fan

China University of Petroleum East China - Qingdao Campus
Author ProfileHui Hao
China University of Petroleum East China - Qingdao Campus
Author ProfileAbstract
This paper is concerned with a diffusive predator-prey model with
prey-taxis and prey-structure under the homogeneous Neumann boundary
condition. The stability of the unique positive constant equilibrium of
the predator-prey model is derived. Hopf bifurcation and steady state
bifurcation are also concluded.