Introduction: Acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema is related to left ventricular failure leading to increases in the feeling pressure and pulmonary congestion. If not rapidly treated, severe hypoxia will develop, and mechanical ventilation will be necessary until congestion is resolved. Rapid pre- and afterload reduction can lead to a very quick reversal of pulmonary edema and hypoxia thus preventing intubation. Nitroglycerin has been safe in reducing pre- and afterload as long as blood pressure can tolerate it. Rapid administration of high doses of nitroglycerin is crucial in order to reverse acute congestion. Nitroglycerin ointment has the best pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties for this purpose as it is widely available and rapidly absorbed by buccal administration. The successful use of buccal nitroglycerin ointment in patients with severe cardiogenic pulmonary edema has been used successfully in many published case reports but is rarely utilized and hardly known in the medical community. Hereby, six cases of successful buccal nitroglycerin ointment administration are reported in patients suffering from severe cardiogenic pulmonary edema with hypoxia on maximal oxygen therapy thus preventing intubation and the need for mechanical ventilation in all of these patients. This report is followed by a review of the literature. Furthermore, a treatment protocol and algorithm are developed based on our patients and reported cases in the literature for the prevention of intubation in these patients. Figure 1 summarizes the clinical characteristics of these patients.

Kyvan Irannejad

and 3 more

Introduction:Epidemiology:Each year, there are millions of procedures done in the United States that utilize iodinated contrast agents. The main risk of iodinated contrast is kidney injury which could lead to morbidity and mortality (1–6). Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN), also known as contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI), is one of the most common causes of impairment of renal function in the United States (7–10) and is the third common cause of hospital-acquired renal insufficiency (11). Different studies have used various definitions for contrast-induced nephropathy including an increase in serum creatinine ≥0.5 mg/dl or ≥25% from baseline creatinine within 24 to  72 hours after contrast medium administration (3,6,12–16). The mortality rate is increased among patients who developed CIN during and after hospitalization, especially among those who required dialysis (6,17,18). Therefore, any preventive measures that can reduce CIN risk can be lifesaving with a reduction in mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing iodinated contrast exposure.Brief Summary of CIN preventive measures:●      Hydration and fluid optimizationSeveral methods have been proposed to prevent CIN in clinical settings. However, none of them has been proved to be consistently effective except for hydration and reduction in the amount of contrast exposure. Hydration is the most common prophylactic technique to reduce CIN occurrence in a way that all high-risk patients undergoing contrast exposure should receive appropriate hydration if possible before the procedure in high-risk patients and after the procedure in all patients if feasible without contraindication to hydration (14,19–23). It has been shown that intravenous fluid administration with isotonic saline is more effective compared to the half saline infusion (14,22). However, the optimal fluid volume and infusion rate is controversial. Current guidelines recommend intravenous administration of 1-1.5 ml/kg/h of normal saline six hours before and after contrast injection (24). With respect to proper fluid administration, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) can be assessed and adjusted accordingly. This theory was assessed in the POSEIDON trial. Their findings suggested patients who received adjusted fluid based on LVEDP had a significantly lower risk of CIN after cardiac catheterization (relative risk: 0.41, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.22 – 0.79, P= 0.005). However, three cases of shortness of breath, probably in the context of pulmonary edema, were reported in both intervention and control groups (25). Also, Maioliet et al. used bioimpedance vector analysis (BIVA) for the assessment of body fluid status. After randomization of low BIVA patients to normal or double volume normal saline administration, they found no significant difference in CIN occurrence defined by standard criteria (increase serum creatinine by ≥ 0.3 mg/dl within 48 hours) between those groups (10.8% vs. 4.7%, P= 0.08, respectively) (26).●      Avoidance of nephrotoxic agentsAnother factor that can raise CIN risk might be related to nephrotoxic drugs. Although there are not enough trials to strongly prove the benefit of nephrotoxic drugs discontinuation before contrast exposure, it is generally recommended to hold potentially nephrotoxic drugs including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aminoglycosides, vancomycin, sulfonamides, penicillins, amphotericin, loop diuretics, and metformin in high-risk patients. The latter drug has been associated with metabolic acidosis which might predispose kidneys to the development of CIN but this concept has not been proven (27,28).●      N-Acetylcysteine administrationN-Acetylcysteine (N-AC) was initially reported by Tepel et al. to be protective against contrast-induced nephropathy in a small trial (29). However, numerous trials and meta-analyses have completely failed to show any benefit and therefore its use is not recommended (29–31).●      Type of contrast mediaContrast media typed based on osmolality is thought to be important for CIN pathogenesis and has been categorized into three different types based on the osmolality (high osmolar, low osmolar, and iso-osmolar) (32). Initially, several studies have shown that iso-osmolar contrast media have the lowest risk of CIN incidence in comparison to low-osmolar contrast agents (33–36), but numerous other trials failed to show any significant differences in the occurrence of contrast-induced nephropathy (37–40).●      Dialysis and hemofiltrationIn terms of dialysis and hemofiltration which directly removes the contrast from the systemic circulation, there is no clinical evidence suggesting prophylactic use of dialysis can prevent CIN (41). No benefit has been reported for post-procedural dialysis either (42). Marenzi et al. reported the use of hemofiltration might be beneficial in the prevention of CIN (43). However, it remains unclear whether it was related to increased clearance through dialysis or due to alkalinizing agents used during filtration.●      Treatment of hypoperfusionDue to the negative effect of renal hypoperfusion, regardless of its etiology, with contrast administration resulting in increased CIN risk, utilization of short time assisted devices increasing cardiac output might reduce this risk. Flaherty and colleagues performed a randomized clinical trial and found usage of a Microaxial percutaneous assist device (Impella) was associated with a lower likelihood of acute kidney injury among high risk percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 35% (odds ratio (OR): 0.13, 95% CI: 0.09 – 0.31, P< 0.001) (44). These findings might be associated with resultant reduced CIN risk. However, larger studies are warranted.●      Balanced hydration systemAnother proposed mechanism in CIN prevention has been attributed to a balanced hydration procedure. This process has been suggested based on the theory that as urine output becomes higher, the contrast concentration in kidneys would become lower ultimately resulting in decreasing CIN risk. Briguori et al. implemented Renal Insufficiency After Contrast Media Administration Trial II (REMEDIAL II) trial to assess the feasibility of the RenalGuard system (PLC Medical Systems, Inc, Franklin, MA) in the prevention of CIN. Briefly, the mentioned system consists of closed-loop fluid management that consistently monitors and evaluates hydration status and urine output. 294 candidates for coronary or peripheral angiography/angioplasty with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of ≤ 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 and/or risk score of at least 11 were selected and randomly allocated to control (sodium bicarbonate and N-AC administration) or RenalGuard (hydration with saline and N-AC under RenalGuard system control with furosemide administration) group. The intervention group received an initial bolus for 30 minutes and furosemide (0.25 mg/kg) would be prescribed to increase urine output to ≥ 300 ml/h. They found CIN was significantly decreased in the RenalGuard arm compared to controls (11% (16 out of 146 subjects) vs. 20.5% (30 out of 146 subjects), OR: 0.47, 95% CI: 0.24 – 0.92). Different administration routes of N-AC (oral agent for controls and intravenous route for intervention group) resulting in probable variable bioavailability of the drug as well as their reported data applicable to a subset of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients might be considered for extension of the outcomes (45).Likewise, the Induced Diuresis With Matched Hydration Compared to Standard Hydration for Contrast-Induced Nephropathy Prevention (MYTHOS) trial using the RenalGuard system was performed for CKD patients who underwent coronary procedures. 170 subjects with eGFR< 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 were randomly assigned to standard intravenous saline hydration as a control group (n= 83) or furosemide with matched hydration as an intervention group (n= 87). The intervention arm received 250 ml of normal saline as well as 0.5 mg/kg of furosemide to reach a urine output of more than 300 ml/h. Patients in the intervention group experienced CIN less frequently rather than controls (4.6% vs. 18%, P= 0.005). Single-center and not-blinded study design, as well as pre-determined hydration protocol in the intervention group, were some limitations related to the mentioned project (46).●      Renal coolingAlso, a cooling renal method based on the theory of decreasing oxidative injury in lower temperatures in the context of contrast injection has been announced. However, it did not show any promising outcome in terms of CIN prevention. For instance, Stone and colleagues performed a randomized trial and allocated 128 cardiac catheterization candidates with CKD (estimated creatinine clearance: 20-50 ml/min) to control (n= 70) and intervention (n= 58) groups. In addition to hydration, the latter group underwent systemic hypothermia at 33-34 °C starting before contrast injection toward three hours post-procedure followed by rewarming to 36 °C with a rate of 1 °C per hour afterward. CIN was observed in 18.6% and 22.4% of normothermia and hypothermia groups, respectively. However, there was no significant association neither in unadjusted nor in adjusted models (OR: 1.27, 95% CI: 0.53 – 3.00, P= 0.59 and OR: 0.83, 95% CI: 0.18 – 3.78, P= 0.81, respectively) (47).●      Ischemic preconditioningThe hypothesis of ischemic preconditioning, as multiple short cycles of ischemia and reperfusion in one organ, could be effective on another organ, on reduction of CIN has been tested in a randomized clinical trial on 100 subjects which revealed four 5-minute inflation-deflation cycles of blood pressure cuff to 50 mmHg above each patient systolic blood pressure before coronary angiography (CA) had been associated with a decreased likelihood of CIN compared to controls (OR: 0.21, 95% CI: 0.07 – 0.57, P= 0.002) (48). Although this procedure can be applied in all clinical settings, further studies with a larger sample size are required.●       Other agentsOne small study showed infusion of sodium bicarbonate might be more effective in the prevention of CIN rather than isotonic saline (49). However, subsequent larger trials failed to prove this association (25,26). Therefore, sodium bicarbonate is not recommended to be used for this purpose by the Consensus Working Panel (22).Other pharmacologic agents include ascorbic acid, diuretics, mannitol, calcium channel blockers, fenoldopam, dopamine, atrial natriuretic peptide, L-arginine, theophylline, and statins have been reported in the literature in terms of CIN prevention with controversial results (50–62).The role of contrast volume●       Contrast volume as a risk for CINContrast volume has been shown to be an independent risk factor for CIN (63–65). It has been previously proved the amount of contrast correlates with the incidence of CIN (66). After a data analysis of 53780 vascular interventions, Lee et al. indicated CIN was correlated with CKD stage in a way that the incidence of AKI in the context of contrast administration raised with each CKD stage (CKD stage 1: 0.39%, CKD stage 2: 0.45%, CKD stage 3: 1.5%, CKD stage 4: 4.3% and CKD stage 5: 7.5%). They suggested the risk of post-contrast AKI could be reduced by using safe thresholds of contrast volume (67).Rihal et al.’s study reported the volume of contrast media administered during the PCI was correlated with acute renal failure (6). Kooiman and colleagues analyzed data from 82,120 PCI procedures and found patients who received high contrast, as defined by division of contrast volume over calculated creatinine clearance resulting in more than 3, had increased CIN odds in both univariate and multivariate regression models (OR: 1.61, 95% CI: 1.46 – 1.79, P< 0.001 and OR: 1.77, 95% CI: 1.58 – 1.98, P< 0.001, respectively) (68). Likewise, another observational study on 561 patients suffering from myocardial infarction who underwent PCI revealed CIN was significantly higher among those with a contrast ratio (measured by administered contrast volume divided by calculated maximum contrast agent dose) of more than 1 in comparison to the ratio of less than one (34.6% vs. 3%, P< 0.001) (65). Kane et al. reported the rate of CIN in patients with CKD undergoing CA could be reduced by ultra-low contrast volumes (69). However, even small amounts of contrast can deteriorate renal function, especially among high-risk patients (70). A small study on 30 patients with eGFR< 45 ml/min/1.73m2 underwent CA/PCI with ultra-low volume contrast media showed utilization of this kind of agent was safe with no reported increased serum creatinine 48 hours post-procedure (71). However, a single study design and small sample size are potential limitations needed to be considered. 123 subjects with at least stage 3 of CKD experienced CA/PCI was selected by Kelly and colleagues. They used a novel ultra-low contrast delivery technique with an automated contrast injector for their procedures and reported a CIN rate of 3.3%. Quite a small sample size, as well as retrospective study design and performance in a single-center, should be considered for the generalization of their findings (72). Although the CIN rate was lower among CKD patients who underwent PCI with ultra-low contrast (n= 8) compared with the conventional group (n= 103) in another retrospective study, the difference was not statistically significant (0 vs. 15.5%, P= 0.28). Asymmetric sample distribution between groups and their small cohort size might limit their outcomes (73).Mariani et al. proposed the theory of zero contrast volume and performed MOZART (Minimizing cOntrast utiliZation With IVUS Guidance in coRonary angioplasTy) trial to assess whether intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) could decrease contrast exposure compared to the routine method. 83 PCI candidate patients were selected and randomly assigned to routine angiography (n= 42) or IVUS method (n= 41) with matched clinical and laboratory data. The median contrast volume was significantly lower in IVUS rather than in the routine angiography group (20 ml, interquartile range (IQR): 12.5 – 30 ml vs. 64.5 ml, IQR: 42.8 – 97 ml, P< 0.001). Also, the ratio of contrast volume to creatinine clearance was remarkably lower in the IVUS group (0.4, IQR: 0.2 – 0.6 vs. 1.0, IQR: 0.6 – 1.9, P< 0.001) (74). Although they found a promising outcome, the higher cost of IVUS might be a limiting factor for usage in clinical settings. On the other hand, it has been suggested that contrast volume reduction before contrast exposure may lower the risk of CIN (75).●      Methods for reducing contrast volume administrationIn terms of reducing contrast volume administration, few studies are available. Mehran et al. performed a randomized clinical trial to assess the efficiency of contrast reduction in patients with underlying renal diseases who underwent CA. 578 patients in stage III (eGFR between 30 and 60 ml/min) and IV (eGFR between 20 and 30 ml/min) of CKD with at least two further criteria of New York heart association (NYHA) functional class of III or IV of heart failure, diabetes mellitus (treated with either insulin or oral agents), anemia, hypertension, albuminuria or age of at least 75 years were randomly assigned to hydration (n= 286) or hydration plus AVERT system group (n= 292). The latter system is a contrast modulation system designed to adjust the pressure of contrast injection toward the patient. The relative reduction in contrast volume was 15.5% (hydration group: 101.3 ± 71.1 ml vs. hydration plus AVERT group: 85.6 ± 50.5 ml, P= 0.02). The distribution of AKI induced by contrast did not differ significantly (26.6% vs. 27%, P= 0.70, respectively) (76). Likewise, Gurm and colleagues performed an observational study on 114 patients with eGFR of 20 – 60 ml/min/1.73m2 to assess the feasibility of contrast volume reduction during CA or PCI using DyeVertTM Plus Contrast Reduction System (DyeVert Plus System, Osprey Medical). Data analysis of 105 successfully recruited patients revealed the contrast volume saving of 40.1 ± 8.8% per each performed procedure. AKI induced by contrast agent was observed in three (2.6%) of patients (77). The small sample size and observational design of the study should be considered for the generalization of reported data.●      Automated contrast injection devicesAlthough data analysis of 60,884 candidates who underwent PCI revealed contrast agent usage was lower in centers that used automated contrast injectors compared to those centers not used this method (199 ± 84 ml vs. 204 ± 82 ml, P< 0.0001), no difference had been found in terms of CIN occurrence (3.11% vs. 3.42%, P= 0.15) (78). On the other hand, Minsinger and colleagues performed a meta-analysis and found automated contrast injectors decreased contrast volume up to 45 ml per subject (95% CI: 0.78 – 0.93, P< 0.001), and it was associated with a 15% reduction in CIN compared to manual injection methods (OR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.78 – 0.93, P< 0.001) (79).
Background: Pacemakers are an essential tool in managing bradyarrhythmias. Using the large Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) database, we evaluated complications, trends and mortality rates of pacemakers over 2016 2020. Methods: We utilized International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) coding for our study. We evaluated clinical predictors, complications and mortality of pacemakers using the NIS database. Results: Significant independent Clinical predicators for pacer insertion are: NSTEMI: OR, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.80–1.91; p<0.001, hypertension: OR, 4.26; 95% CI, 4.19–4.34; p<0.001, hyperlipidemia: OR, 3.01; 95% CI, 2.97–3.05; p<0.001, atrial fibrillation/flutter: OR, 4.68 95% CI, 4.62–4.74; p<0.001, diabetes: OR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.47–1.51; p<0.001, chronic kidney disease: OR, 1.99; 95% CI, 1.97–2.02; p<0.001, smoking: OR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.31–1.43; p<0.001, COPD: OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.09–1.13; p<0.001, valvular heart disease: OR, 5.31; 95% CI, 5.21–5.41; p<0.001, systolic heart failure: OR, 1.98; 95% CI, 1.94–2.02; p<0.001, prior PCI: OR, 2.30; 95% CI, 2.26–2.34; p<0.001, obesity 1.19; 95% CI, 1.17–1.22; p<0.001), history of CABG{:OR, 2.48; 95% CI, 2.43–2.52; p<0.001, STEMI: OR, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.79–1.93; p<0.001, history of cardiomyopathy: OR, 1.90; 95% CI, 1.78–2.03; p<0.001, and endocarditis: OR, 1.77; 95% CI, 1.53–2.04; p<0.001. Pacemaker complication rates is around 2% Mortality around 1.44% Conclusion: We found many predictors for the need of pacemaker insertion. Mortality and complications have remained low over recent years.
IntroductionHypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common inherited cardiovascular disease (1,2)  and is the most frequent cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young individuals, particularly athletes with a high level of training (3–5).HCM is a prevalent hereditary cardiovascular condition that affects one in 500 people in the general population (6,7). The cumulative proportion of sudden cardiac death (SCD) events in childhood hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) within five years of diagnosis ranged from 8% to 10% (8,9). It is characterized by inadequate relaxation, hypercontractility, reduced compliance, and left ventricle hypertrophy (10–12). HCM manifests as a chronic, progressive illness that can have a severe, transformative effect on a person’s life and significantly lower quality of life. Data on the cost to society associated with HCM has shown significant increases in all-cause hospitalizations, hospital days, outpatient visits, and total healthcare costs. The majority of cost increases can be attributed to increased hospitalizations and hospital days among symptomatic patients (13). The most often reported symptoms include syncope, palpitations, exertional dyspnea, shortness of breath, ankle swelling, exhaustion, sense of disorientation, and lightheadedness (14,15).Among the estimated 700,000 patients with HCM, only 100,000 have been diagnosed in the United States (16). Underdiagnosis may be due in part to challenges in the diagnosis of asymptomatic HCM patients, who typically receive a diagnosis by chance or via systematic screening efforts (12). However, developments in the understanding of genetic and phenotypic characteristics of HCM have promise for improving the identification of the condition. Over the last twenty years, the condition has been linked to abnormalities in genes that encode proteins of the cardiomyocyte’s contractile machinery (6,17,18). It appears that significant progress has been made in understanding the illness from both a genetic and clinical standpoint (19).Despite new developments, HCM remains underdiagnosed. Although the population prevalence of HCM is between 1:200 and 1:500, only 10–20% of cases are found by clinical means (20). Patients with HCM can have a normal life expectancy but a notable percentage can develop HCM-related complications including heart failure, atrial fibrillation (AF), and cardioembolic stroke, while a smaller percentage have SCD or life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (21). SCD is the most common cause of mortality among these patients and frequently occurs during exercise. However, it often goes undetected until death, as many individuals experience minimal or no significant symptoms (6,11). Consequently, a high index of diagnostic suspicion, accurate identification, and a thorough clinical examination of patients and family members are crucial for early identification and treatment (20). Identifying high-risk patients is crucial to lowering the risk of SCD in young individuals with HCM, as effective treatment has the potential to significantly reduce HCM mortality and morbidity (22,23) This can be achieved through exercise limitation, medication therapies, and the use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) (24) . Therefore, there has been considerable interest in improving diagnostic accuracy among HCM patients, especially young patients, to inform intervention (21).The HCM diagnosis is based on imaging techniques, such as echocardiography or cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), that reveal increasing LV wall thickness (21). Thorough investigation has led to a better comprehension of risk categorization for patients with HCM. The latest European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines propose evaluating clinical examination, family history, 48-hour electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, and exercise testing for this purpose (6,11). The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) has proposed specific cardiac screening guidelines for young competitive athletes (25), which include assessing symptoms and family medical history (e.g., premature death, HCM), conducting a physical examination, and performing a resting 12-lead ECG. A recent Danish study revealed that a large proportion of individuals who experienced SCD due to HCM had previous symptoms, and most of them had sought medical attention before their death, in contrast to the control group (26). These findings suggest there is an opportunity to improve the identification of HCM among at-risk patients, as many patients seek treatment.The ECG continues to be a fundamental aspect of evaluating patients with HCM. Moreover, it is experiencing a ”renaissance” in the realm of cardiomyopathies, not only due to its cost-effectiveness and widespread accessibility, but also because it offers information pertinent to morphology, function, and genetic foundation simultaneously (21) HCM has diagnosis so far relied on identification of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) with a wall thickness greater than 15 mm using echocardiography or CMR. However, this degree of LVH is not exclusive to HCM and may stem from various other pathological conditions, widening the differential. In such instances, the ECG is highly valuable in assisting with the differentiation between sarcomeric HCM and its phenocopies (21). There is a growing body of literature evaluating the accuracy of ECG markers in predicting HCM, however, there remains a need for research on the extent to which ECG findings are predictive of HCM identified on echocardiography. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of abnormal ECG findings, including LVH, T wave inversion, left bundle branch block (LBBB), and left atrial enlargement in participants with suspected HCM detected during screening echocardiography.
Title: Occurrence of Low Diastolic Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease are More Common in Elderly that Could Explain Higher Mortality Rate in this populationMohammad Reza Movahed,1,2Department of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZDepartment of Medicine, University of Arizona, Phoenix, AZCorrespondence to:Mohammad Reza Movahed, MD, PhDClinical Professor of MedicineCareMore Regional Director of Arizona7901 E SpeedwayTucson, AZ 85710Email: rmova@aol.comTel: 949 400 0091Key words:Diastolic hypertension; hypertension; elderly; high blood pressure; cardiovascular risk factorConflict of interest: NoneLetter to Editor:With great interest, I read the paper entitled “Evaluation of Optimal Diastolic Blood Pressure (BP) Range Among Adults With Treated Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 130 mmHg” by Li et al. (1) They found that diastolic BP less than 60 is associated with worse outcome in patients with age of over 50. (1) However, they have a major flaw in their data analysis as they did not adjust for age and any other risk factors in any multivariate analysis. We know that age is the most important factor for all cause or any mortality and hypertension rate increases with age. Patients with diastolic BP of < 60 in this study had much higher age that can clearly explain why this group had higher mortality. It is surprising that no multivariate adjustment was done in this study. As it can be seen from the table, mean age in patients with diastolic BP < 60 was 77.1 which was much higher than in other groups (66.9, 62.2 and 59.0). This is a very strong and highly significant difference. Looking at different age groups, I found similar issue with age cut offs. Patients with an age of <65 were only representing 23.1% of the population with diastolic BP <60 vs 44.8% in the next group of patients with diastolic BP between 60-70. Furthermore, not only they did not adjust their data for age, they also did not look at many other risk factors that are associated with hypertension needing adjustment. In large meta-analysis that was performed by Riaz et al. (2), they found that risk factors for hypertension includes smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus, stress and anxiety which are all also risk factors for higher mortality. In their table, the authors document that the patients with diastolic BP of < 60 also had much higher significant history of cardiovascular disease as another unadjusted risk factor. Furthermore, they did not include other important risk factors commonly occuring in elderly such as presence of renal disease or chronic obstructive lung disease. I really hope that the authors will perform multivariate adjustment after reading this letter. Based on such a large difference in age distribution, we may not observe higher mortality rate in patients with diastolic BP of < 60 vs others after appropriate multivariate adjustment. Otherwise, the result of this study will be meaningless and very misleading.
Running Title: The Movahed Coronary Bifurcation Classification For LM bifurcationAuthors: Mohammad Reza Movahed, MD 1,2University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, Tucson, Arizona,1 University of Arizona, Phoenix,2No Conflict of interestCorrespondent:M Reza Movahed, MD, PhD, FACP, FACC, FSCAIClinical Professor of MedicineUniversity of Arizona Sarver Heart Center1501 North Campbell AvenueTucson, AZ 85724Email: Rmova@aol.comTel: 949 400 0091Key words: Coronary bifurcation lesion; coronary bifurcation classification; Movahed classification; Movahed Bifurcation Classification; Bifurcation Intervention; Coronary Bifurcating lesionsConflict of interest: NoneWith great interest, I read the paper published in the JACC Intervention Journal entitled: “Provisional Strategy for Left Main Stem Bifurcation Disease: A State-of-the-Art Review of Technique and Outcomes “1 The authors used the Medina Bifurcation Classification that unfortunately divides true bifurcation lesions into three unnecessary groups: 111, 101 and 011. The authors should have used the Movahed classification which summarizes all true bifurcation lesions in one simple category called B 2 (B for bifurcation, 2 meaning both bifurcation ostia are diseased). The basic structure of the Movahed classification 2,3 simplifies bifurcation lesions into three categories: If both branches are involved as mentioned above, it is called a B2 lesion, if only the main branch is involved, is called B1m (B for bifurcation, 1m meaning only the main branch has disease) and if only side branch is involved, is called B1s lesion (B for bifurcation and 1s meaning only side branch has the disease). Another important part of this bifurcation classification is the fact that additional suffixes can be added if needed for clinical or research purposes. This comes in very handy, particularly in the left main bifurcation lesions. As the best example, the kissing stenting technique in appropriate bifurcation left main lesions can be performed very safely and quickly but it requires that the proximal segment be large enough to accommodate 2 stents and has to be at least 2/3 sum of distal bifurcation branches. In the Movahed classification, this suffix is called L (L for the large proximal segment) or S (for the small proximal segment). Furthermore, limitless additional suffixes can be added if needed such as calcium or bifurcation angle that is completely absent in the Medina classification.The widely used Medina bifurcation classification is unfortunately too complex in describing given true bifurcation lesions in three clinically irrelevant categories and at the same time lacks important other anatomical features of a given bifurcation lesion. 4-8 Figure 1 compares the basic structure of the Movahed classification to the Medina Classification. Figure 2 summarizes a detailed description of the Movahed classification if additional suffixes are needed.
Authors: Mohammad Reza Movahed, MD 1,2University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center, Tucson, Arizona,1 University of Arizona, Phoenix,2Correspondent:M Reza Movahed, MD, PhD, FACP, FACC, FSCAIClinical Professor of MedicineUniversity of Arizona Sarver Heart Center1501 North Campbell AvenueTucson, AZ 85724Email: Rmova@aol.comTel: 949 400 0091Key words: Percutaneous coronary intervention; stenting; balloon angioplasty: bifurcation lesion; acute coronary syndrome; acute myocardial infarction; unstable angina;PCIConflict of interest: NoneWith great interest, I read the paper entitled: “OCT or Angiography Guidance for PCI in Complex Bifurcation Lesions” published in the New England Journal of Medicine. (1) The Authors did a great job in randomizing patients to optical coherent tomography (OCT) vs. no OCT-guided bifurcation intervention. However, the most important anatomic features of a given bifurcation lesion were not mentioned and not studied at all. It is important that only true bifurcation lesions called B2 lesions (B for bifurcation, 2 meaning both ostia have significant disease) based on the Movahed bifurcation classification (2-4) needs a complex approach including the use of OCT. Not separating their bifurcation lesions into true vs. not true bifurcation lesions, they are not able to answer the simple questions: Do we really need OCT in non-true bifurcation lesions? Unfortunately, by not having any analysis of this important anatomical feature in this manuscript, the benefit of OCT remains uncertain for true or non-true lesions that could lead to under or overuse of OCT during bifurcation coronary interventions.