Quantifying pyrodiversity and its drivers
- Zachary Steel,
- Brandon Collins,
- David Sapsis,
- Scott Stephens
Zachary Steel
University of California Berkeley
Corresponding Author:zlsteel@berkeley.edu
Author ProfileDavid Sapsis
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Author ProfileAbstract
Pyrodiversity likely begets biodiversity in many ecosystems, yet no
consensus surrounds how best to quantify the phenomenon and its drivers
remain largely untested. We present a generalizable functional diversity
approach for measuring pyrodiversity, which incorporates multiple fire
regime traits and can be applied across scales. Further, we tested the
socioecological drivers of pyrodiversity among forests of the western
United States. Largely mediated by burn activity, pyrodiversity was
positively associated with actual evapotranspiration, climate water
deficit, wilderness designation, elevation, and topographic roughness
but negatively with human population density. These results indicate
pyrodiversity is maintained in productive areas with strong annual dry
periods and minimal fire suppression. This novel approach along with an
improved understanding of pyrodiversity's drivers can facilitate future
studies investigating how the pyrodiversity-biodiversity relationship
varies among taxa, regions, and fire regimes.