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Solution of the Local Fractional Generalized KdV Equation usingHomotopy Analysis Method
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  • Hossein Jafari,
  • Pranay Goswami,
  • Jyoti Prasad
Hossein Jafari
University of South Africa - Florida Campus

Corresponding Author:jafarh@unisa.ac.za

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Pranay Goswami
Ambedkar University Delhi School of Liberal Studies
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Amity University Rajasthan
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Jyoti Prasad
Amity University Rajasthan
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In this paper, we will solve Generalized Korteweg-De Vries equation with Local fractional derivative bylocal fractional homotopy analysis method (LFHAM). The approximate solutions of non-differentiabletype with the generalized functions defined on Cantor sets are analyzed. Further, some examples andspecial cases of main results are also discussed.