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Call for society to be aware of Vibrio cholerae from aquatic animals
  • yibin yang,
  • xiaohui ai,
  • yuhua chen
yibin yang
Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
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xiaohui ai
Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
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yuhua chen
Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital Medical Imaging Centre

Corresponding Author:510026437@qq.com

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Cholera is an ancient and widespread infectious disease, mainly manifested as severe vomiting, diarrhea, water loss, and high mortality. It belongs to the group of international quarantine infectious diseases, and Vibrio cholerae is the pathogen of human cholera. Since 1817, there have been seven global cholera pandemics, which have caused hundreds of millions of human deaths. The cause of these cholera epidemics is highly complex; how it spreads globally and the reason for seasonal epidemic peaks in epidemic areas remains unclear. Most sporadic outbreaks of cholera are related to aquatic products or related water bodies.