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Meta-analysis of the relationship between montelukast use and neuropsychiatric events in patients with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma
  • +3
  • Qing Song,
  • Kui Mu,
  • Yao Yao,
  • Juan Yang,
  • Hua Zhang,
  • cheng song
Qing Song
Weifang Medical University

Corresponding Author:10579883936@qq.com

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Kui Mu
Qindao University Medical College Affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital
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Yao Yao
Qindao University Medical College Affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital
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Juan Yang
Qindao University Medical College Affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital
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Hua Zhang
Qindao University Medical College Affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital
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cheng song
Qindao University Medical College Affiliated Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital
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There is controversy over whether the use of montelukast increases neuropsychiatric events (NEs) in patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Our objective was to evaluate whether montelukast caused an increase in neuropsychiatric adverse reactions compared with placebo. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to explore the relationship. The main result of the study was the incidence of NEs. Fifteen RCTs were screened and included for meta-analysis to merge statistics. The main results showed no significant increase in NEs compared with the placebo group. Similar results were seen in the occurrence of NEs in patients grouped by age and headache that the most common neuropsychiatric adverse event. Overall, montelukast did not significantly increase NEs in patients with AR and/or asthma compared with placebo.