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Rebalance of the RAAS axes: the therapeutic strategy of COVID-19?
  • +1
  • Wenhui Huang,
  • Ying Meng,
  • Pingsheng Wu,
  • Xu Li
Wenhui Huang
Southern Medical University Nanfang Hospital

Corresponding Author:13528654138@163.com

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Ying Meng
Southern Medical University Nanfang Hospital
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Pingsheng Wu
Southern Medical University Nanfang Hospital
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Xu Li
Southern Medical University Nanfang Hospital
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COVID-19 has been the biggest global health threat since world war II. Up to now, the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has resulted in over 300 thousand deaths. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the receptor of SARS-CoV-2, is also the key modulator of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) axes, which regulates the inflammatory response to maintain internal environment balance. On the contrary, RAAS axes can also regulate the expression of ACE2 which may influence on the susceptibility of SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 binds with ACE2 and subsequently down-regulates ACE2 expression, which may exacerbate the inflammatory response due to RAAS imbalance. In this review, we summarized pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients, and discussed the potential link between the RAAS axes imbalance and the susceptibility/progression of organ injury in COVID-19. Therefore, we speculate that rebalance of the RAAS axes is the preventive and therapeutic strategy of COVID-19.