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The impact of ageing on the NHS
  • Edoardo Cervoni,
  • Francesca Cervoni
Edoardo Cervoni

Corresponding Author:cervoni@yahoo.com

Author Profile
Francesca Cervoni


The human body is, by definition, a "corpus". This Latin term emphasises the synergy and interdependence of each of its parts. There is no scientific basis for estimating the number of specialists of various types needed to meet the population's needs of the type of interventions that confer benefit. However, it is virtually certain that the proper functioning of the filter could free up more time for properly deployed specialists to provide services that would significantly improve health and, above all, equity in health.  Recognition of the importance of first contact function in Primary Care as a filter and co-ordinator, should lead us to better clinical outcomes for the most part. The government should recognise, protect, and prioritise, the role of the Primary Care interface.