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Oral cavity and oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma: CT texture analysis as an independent predictor of survival
  • +7
  • Delphine Blanchot,
  • Carole Durot,
  • Xavier Dubernard,
  • Jean-Claude Merol,
  • Léa Fath,
  • Marc Labrousse,
  • Camille Boulagnon-Rombi,
  • Christine Hoeffel-Fornes,
  • Coralie Barbe,
  • Esteban Brenet
Delphine Blanchot
CHU Reims

Corresponding Author:dblanchot.med@gmail.com

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Carole Durot
CHU Reims Imagerie Médicale
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Xavier Dubernard
Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne UFR de Medecine
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Jean-Claude Merol
CHU Reims
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Léa Fath
CHU Strasbourg
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Marc Labrousse
CHU Reims
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Camille Boulagnon-Rombi
CHU Reims
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Christine Hoeffel-Fornes
CHU Reims Imagerie Médicale
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Coralie Barbe
CHU Reims
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Esteban Brenet
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims
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