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An adult case with LACHT syndrome (Mardini-Nyhan association)
  • +1
  • Mohammad esmaeil zanganehfar,
  • Hamidreza Pouraliakbar,
  • Maryam Shojaeifard,
  • MohammadFaryad Mahmoudi
Mohammad esmaeil zanganehfar

Corresponding Author:zanganehfar97@gmail.com

Author Profile
Hamidreza Pouraliakbar
Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center
Author Profile
Maryam Shojaeifard
Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center
Author Profile
MohammadFaryad Mahmoudi
Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center
Author Profile


Mardini–Nyhan or LACHT (lung anomaly, congenital heart defect, and thumb anomaly) syndrome is extremely rare. The literature contains only 12 reported cases in the pediatric population. We herein describe an adult patient with this syndrome.