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Prognostic and Therapeutic Utility of Variably Expressed Cell Surface Receptors in Osteosarcoma
  • +10
  • Yoav Zvi,
  • Elif Ugur,
  • Brian Batko,
  • Jonathan Gill,
  • Michael Roth,
  • Richard Gorlick,
  • David Hall,
  • Janet Tingling,
  • Donald Barkauskas,
  • Jinghang Zhang,
  • Rui Yang,
  • Bang Hoang,
  • David Geller
Yoav Zvi
Montefiore Medical Center

Corresponding Author:yzvi@montefiore.org

Author Profile
Elif Ugur
Yeshiva University Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Author Profile
Brian Batko
Montefiore Medical Center
Author Profile
Jonathan Gill
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Children's Cancer Hospital
Author Profile
Michael Roth
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Children's Cancer Hospital
Author Profile
Richard Gorlick
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Author Profile
David Hall
Children's Oncology Group
Author Profile
Janet Tingling
Montefiore Medical Center
Author Profile
Donald Barkauskas
Children’s Oncology Group
Author Profile
Jinghang Zhang
Yeshiva University Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Author Profile
Rui Yang
Montefiore Medical Center
Author Profile
Bang Hoang
Montefiore Medical Center
Author Profile
David Geller
Montefiore Medical Center
Author Profile


Background: Six cell surface receptors, human epidermal growth factor receptor (Her)-2, platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)-β, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R), insulin receptor (IR), c-Met, and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)-3, previously demonstrated variable expression across varying osteosarcoma (OS) cell lines. The current study sought to validate previous expression patterns and evaluate whether these receptors offer prognostic and therapeutic value. Methods: Patient-derived OS samples (n = 52) were labeled with antibodies to Her-2, PDGFR-β, IGF-1R, IR, c-Met, and VEGFR-3. Expression was characterized using flow cytometry. The geometric mean fluorescent intensity (geoMFI) for each receptor was calculated relative to a negative control. The event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival for patients with positive receptor expression were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. Differences in hazard for EFS event and overall survival event for patients with positive receptor expression were assessed using the log-rank test. Results: All 6 receptors were variably expressed in the majority of cell lines. None of the 6 receptors, were found to be significant predictors of EFS or overall survival. The sum total number of positive receptors per cell line also failed to predict EFS or overall survival. Conclusion: The six cell surface receptors demonstrated variable expression across the majority of patient-derived OS samples tested. While receptor expression did not provide prognostic value, their consistent expression makes them attractive targets for future therapeutic approaches.