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Changes of left ventricular function induced by carboplatin combined with paclitaxel in patients with ovarian cancer treated by three-dimensional speckle tracking imaging technology
  • +6
  • Zijing Zhai,
  • WenJuan QIN,
  • Zhen Wang,
  • Lei Huang,
  • Shanshan Dong,
  • Xueting Guo,
  • Caiyun Zhang,
  • Zhong Wang,
  • Guilin Lu
Zijing Zhai

Corresponding Author:18435831191@163.com

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WenJuan QIN
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Shanshan Dong
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Xueting Guo
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Caiyun Zhang
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Zhong Wang
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Ovarian cancer (OC) is the most common reproductive system tumor threatening women’s health. Its incidence rate is increasing year by year. At present, the main treatment of ovarian cancer in the world is the combination of surgery and chemotherapy, and paclitaxel combined with platinum drugs is the first choice for chemotherapy. However, at the same time, studies have shown that platinum and paclitaxel drugs can lead to heart function damage, and serious cases can lead to heart failure. Two dimensional ultrasound and MRI have their own limitations, such as failure to detect lesions early, price and time-consuming, so they are not widely used, and three-dimensional speckle tracking imaging (3D-STE) technology has the advantages of convenience, rapidity, effectiveness and repeatability, which can early detect heart disease. In this paper, 3D-STE technology was used to compare the results of ovarian cancer patients and normal people in different chemotherapy cycles, and compared with the results of MRI. It will be confirmed that 3D-STE technology has more clinical application value than two-dimensional ultrasound and MRI, and provide basis for clinical diagnosis and application.