Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Ecological and Evolutionary
Time Series Analysis
- Willem Bonnaffé
, - Ben Sheldon,
- Tim Coulson

Willem Bonnaffé

University of Oxford Department of Zoology
Author ProfileAbstract
We present a novel method, Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, for
learning ecological and evolutionary processes from time series data.
The method consists in modelling dynamical systems with Ordinary
Differential Equations and dynamic functions with Artificial Neural
Networks, which upon successful training converge to functional shapes
that best describe the processes. We tested NODEs by inferring
per-capita growth rates of hare and lynx in simulated and real time
series, which revealed that prey-predator oscillations were mainly
driven by stronger predation at low hare and lynx density, as well as
negative density-dependence in lynx, in line with the literature, thus
demonstrating the validity and utility of NODEs. The approach is
applicable to any system that can be modelled with differential
equations, and particularly suitable for linking ecological,
evolutionary, and environmental dynamics where parametric approaches are
too challenging to implement, opening new avenues for theoretical and
empirical investigations.