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Does the RECOVERY dexamethasone improve COVID-19 mortality?
  • Mina Kelleni
Mina Kelleni

Corresponding Author:mina.kelleni@mu.edu.eg

Author Profile


On the same day the results of the RECOVERY study was published; July 17, 2020, we have submitted a letter to New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM, ID 20-25534) representing some concerns about this study and its status was with editor until November 29, 2020 on which a withdrawal request has been sent to NEJM and was promptly accepted on the following day. Notably, four emails were sent to NEJM, once every month wondering about this unprecedent delay in publishing a short letter and the response was that the editor has been contacted on multiple occasions but he/she is busy because of the large number of COVID-19 related submissions.