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Clinical and phamacological analysis of Sars Cov 2: how combination therapy makes checkmate
  • +2
  • Francesco Ferrara,
  • Giovanni Granata,
  • Chiara Pelliccia,
  • Raffaele La Porta,
  • Antonio Vitiello
Francesco Ferrara
Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Umbria 1

Corresponding Author:francesco.ferrara@uslumbria1.it

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Giovanni Granata
Local Health Authority Salerno
Author Profile
Chiara Pelliccia
Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Umbria 2
Author Profile
Raffaele La Porta
ASUR Marche
Author Profile
Antonio Vitiello
Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Umbria 1
Author Profile


Objectives:Literature data have shown that decreasing the SARS-CoV-2-induced hyperinflammatory state is essential for fighting the virus in an emergency and avoiding death. Many authors have divided the SARS-CoV-2 infection into three phases, of which the second and third are purely inflammatory. For this reason, while the development of antiviral drugs and vaccines is increasing, the best pharmacological goal is the decrease in proinflammatory molecules. Design: In phase 3, the most serious, there is an overdrive state of the immune system with consequent assault against all tissues and lung damage. Sars cov 2 pneumonia is characterized by “cytokine storm” and can lead to death. Acting in advance and with combination therapy aimed at blocking the inflammatory cascade can be effective. Results: Many drugs are being tested in evaluating these effects such as IL-6 or IL-1 inhibitors, chloroquine / hydroxycloroquine and colchicine which is proving its effectiveness especially in association in the last two stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. modulating the inflammatory state and allowing to use an effective combined terepia with drugs at non-lethal dosages. Colchicine is considered safe and effective for the treatment and prevention of the cytokine storm in patients suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection and is certainly an added remedy to other therapeutic agents with a safety profile superior to that provided by others. drugs. Conclusion:The aim of this study is to explain the pharmacological rationale behind the use of a combination therapy as an effective and safe remedy to decrease pneumonia and the consequent death from Sars CoV 2.