During the present study the total 23 species of insects were discovered
belonging to 8 orders of class Insecta, insects belongs to order
Hemiptera was greater in number, mostly there were presences or
abundance of larvae’s of both moths and butterflies were recorded. the
species that were recorded are given in (fig.1)includes Periplaneta
Americana, apema pest, ladybird beetel, green vegetable bug, ladybird
beetel, specie of lady bird beetle, blue pansy, Nezara viridula, hawk
moth larvae, fluffy caterpillar of moth, green bug, beetel, caterpillar,
Inchworm, caterpillar, dytiscus marginlis, caterpillar, white fly,
caterpillar, cinnbar moth, grasshopper lime butterfly. These insects
were mostly recorded during the time of wheat harvesting other types of
insects also recorded but not shooted.