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Asymptotic stability of 3D functional Brinkman-Forchheimer equation
  • +1
  • Xinguang Yang,
  • Yong Yang,
  • Wenjing Liu,
  • Junzhao Zhang
Xinguang Yang
Henan Normal University

Corresponding Author:yangxinguang@hotmail.com

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Yong Yang
Beijing University of Technology
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Wenjing Liu
Beijing University of Technology
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Junzhao Zhang
Changchun University of Technology
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This paper is concerned with the asymptotic stability of global weak and strong solutions for a 3D incompressible functional Brinkman-Forchheimer equation with delay. Under some appropriate assumptions on the external forces especially the averaged state, the well-posedness of 3D functional Brinkman-Forchheimer flow model and its steady state equation have been obtained rstly, then the asymptotic stability of global solutions also derived via the convergence of trajectories for the corresponding systems.