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Features of the Remodeling of Atria and Pulmonary Veins in CHF Patients with Paroxysmal AF and Permanent AF
  • Venera Kirillova
Venera Kirillova
Ural State Medical University

Corresponding Author:venova@list.ru

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Research objective: the aim is to study the features of the remodeling of the left atrium and pulmonary veins in CHF patients with paroxysmal AF, with permanent AF, and without arrhythmia (n=225). Materials and methods. The features of the remodeling of the left atrium and pulmonary veins were studied echocardiographically in patients having chronic heart failure with paroxysmal AF (n=38) and permanent AF (n=36) and without arrhythmia (n=225). Results. Structural changes of the left atrium and pulmonary veins in patients with chronic heart failure having permanent atrial fibrillation were significantly more distinct than those in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, in patients without arrhythmia, and in the control group. Thus, respectively, LA in the left lateral position was 46.35±1.93, 41.26±1.49, 38.60±0.90, and 29.57±0.68 mm; LAVI was 67.16±6.14, 58.81±5.92, 44.28±1.34, and 23.64±0.47; the maximum diameter of the left inferior pulmonary vein was 23.91±1.07, 22.21±0.69, 20.64±0.41, and 13.51±0.16 mm; the minimum diameter of the pulmonary vein was 15.10±1.06, 13.15±1.07, 10.51±0.41, and 5.70±0.09 mm, with higher E/e’ values of 14.78±1.45, 11.34±1.81, 10.03±0.47, and 6.26±0.28 mm. Conclusion. A more evident dilatation of the left atrium with the dilatation of pulmonary veins was diagnosed in patients with permanent AF as compared to that in patients with paroxysmal AF and patients having CHF without arrhythmia.